poor adj. 1.穷,贫穷的 (opp. rich, wealthy)。 2.(收获)少,差,不够。 3.(衣裳)破旧的,不体面的;卑劣的,(酒等)粗劣的;(演说者等)拙劣的。 4.萎靡的;不健康的;不愉快的;〔口语〕瘦;(身体)弱;(精神)差;(土地)贫瘠的。 5.不幸的 (opp. fortunate); 不利的 (opp. favourable); 已故的,亡…。 6.胆小的;可怜的;卑贱的,不足道的,无聊的。 the poor 穷苦人;贫民阶级。 urban poor 城市贫民。 a poor crop of apples 苹果歉收。 a poor three days' holiday 仅仅三天假。 a poor £1 a week 一星期仅一镑。 a poor ore 贫矿, poor soil 瘠地。 in my poor opinion 愚见以为。 照我的肤浅看法。 poor in spirit 懦弱的;卑怯的。 a poor conductor 不良(电)导体。 poor digestion 消化不良。 poor health 身体虚弱。 poor pens 劣笔。 a poor speech 拙劣的演说。 poor So-and-so 已故某某。 the poor man's side (of the river) 〔口语〕(伦敦泰晤士河)南岸。 a poor crumb [potato] 〔美国〕没趣的人。 My poor old mother used to say ... 先母常常说…。 poor fellow [thing]! 可怜虫。 poor house 贫民院,养育院。 as poor as a church mouse = aspooras Job's turkey 穷到极点;一贫如洗。 have a poor chance for 做[得]某事[物]的机会不大。 have a poor memory 记意力不好。
My mission in life is to help poor people . 我的天职是帮助穷人。
The usurer squeezed the poor people . 高利贷者压榨穷人。
There they took advantage of poor people for centuries . 他们在那里世世代代剥削穷人。
I do n't know how poor people got through those cold winters . 我不知道穷人们是怎样熬过那些寒冬的。
And then this pretended mercy to the slaves is such a disappointment to the poor people . 再说,对奴隶这种表面的怜悯也使穷人大失所望。
Round the little harbour were shabby streets in which lived fishermen and poor people . 小码头一带都是寒酸凋敝的小巷,住着渔民和穷人。
It's all right for the rich; they can afford these taxes, but we poor people can not . 这对富人是无所谓的,他们交得起这些税,但我们穷人却不能。
Then the woefully inadequate provision of health care to the masses of poor people becomes strikingly clear . 那么提供给穷苦大众的卫生服务工作不足得可悲也就一清二楚了。
The goal was not only to satisfy the nutritional needs of poor people but also to expand the demand for farm products . 这项计划除用来解决穷人的食物问题外,也增加了对农产品的需求量。
In the advanced state of society, they are all very poor people who follow as a trade, what other people pursue as a pastime . 在进步社会内,把别人消遣的事当作职业的人,都是极贫苦的。